Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Vine- It Can Be Divine!

Vine is a neat video shooting and sharing apps that tests the users to tell a story in just six seconds!

My Electronic Media Production II students will be doing two different Vine assignments. The first project is called "One Word Response." The students will be challenged to come up with a timely topic, whether news, sports or entertainment, and pose a question in such a way that all is sought is a one word answer. The better questions will elicit different answers and not the same ones. Example: "Do you hope the word ends tomorrow?" We can only hope a universal and emphatic "No!" would be the response to such a question.

This is an example of what I'm looking for, though the question does not need to be heard in the video.

A good topic for a Vine assignment like this last spring was the ongoing legendary signer James Brown exhibit at the school's museum.

After this assignment, I will ask the students to work together to produce a fun and funny six second Vine video, like this one:

OK, not exactly a side-splitter. And a dated reference for sure. Right, Brian Wilson?

Pet behavior can be good for a laugh or at least a "what the... ???" reaction!

I'm excited to see that the students come up with for these Vine projects!
For of my Vine efforts, see my Vine site. 

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