Thursday, April 18, 2024

Public Service Announcement (PSA): All-Star Justice Center


There's still much work to be done, but the old All-Star Triangle Bowling Lanes on Russell Street is on the path to reopening. In its new life it will be called the All-Star Justice Center. It will not only feature 16 bowling lanes but will also have a civil rights museum to reflect the business' role in what became the Orangeburg Massacre. 

My students and I are producing public service announcements to help raise awareness about the important project and also to solicit donations.

To follow is the script for my 60-second PSA.
Click here to listen to the final product.  

All-Star Justice Center PSA
Patrick Harwood
April 18, 2024
Time: 60 seconds 

Music bed

Two SC State students are walking on campus when they hear this sound: 

Bowling bowl hitting pins

Student 1: Hey did you hear that?

Student 2: Yes I did! It sounded like a bowling alley!

Voice from the great beyond: Greetings S-C State students. I'm a voice from your school's past. Have you heard about how in 1968 hundreds of us college students tried to integrate the All-Star Bowling Lanes over on Russell Street?

Student 1: That's when the owner wouldn't let Black folks in to bowl. 

Student 2: Right, that sure was an ugly time.

Voice from beyond: Things got really ugly the night of February 8th, 1968. Law enforcement opened fire on students gathered on your campus. Three young men were killed and more than two dozen others were wounded. 

Student 1: That was the Orangeburg Massacre!

Student 2: So I here there's something going on with the bowling alley?

Voice from beyond: Indeed there is! Work is underway to reopen the All-Star Lanes and turn parts of it into a civil rights museum so people will always remember the tragedy caused by segregation back then.

Student 1: This sounds great!

Student 2: How can we help? 

Voice from beyond: With your help, the All-Star Justice Center can get to the finish line sooner than later. For more information and to make a donation, please go to center for creativepartnerships-dot-org. That's center-for-creativepartnerships-dot-org. 

End with bowling alley sound 

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Podcast Productions: Student-Athletes, Campus Issues and More!

We recently dusted off one of our department's old Allen and Heath mixing boards to record a series of podcasts. 

Podcasts seem to be as popular as ever so this project gave the students a chance to be part of one. They will be writing blog posts that feature their particular podcasts complete with the recording, photos and their thoughts about being part of one in our Radio Production class.